6. Changes to my study programme

Hi all of you! In today’s post I am going to write about changes that I would like to do to my study programme. If you didn’t know it, I am studying psychology, I’m on my fourth year, so I think that I can tell properly about the study programme of this career cause this is my last year with subjects, the next year I should do make my practice and my memory.
Speaking of the study program itself, I think it would change a few things. First of all, I would change the first subjects of the general training of the first years, I feel that it is important to know a little of every line of psychology but they are too general, so much that it feels that nothing is important enough to remember, actually I remember very little of those subjects. Another thing that I would change and that is not so related to the study program itself, is related to the number of members that are accepted by subject. In the common plan I had classes with around 120 classmates, making it very difficult to concentrate, find a seat where you could see the whiteboard well or listen properly. And years later, in the specialization, quite the opposite, the teachers give around 20-25 places per subject when the demand is much bigger than that, and finally you end up having subjects that you do not really like because it is what it was left to choose.
Have a good day, bye!


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