Post 8: A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Hello again people! In this post I am going to talk about a subject I enjoyed studying this semester. Honestly I have not liked any subject this semester or this year, there are some that I really can not stand but others that are less heavy too. One of the less heavy is the subject called "Basic Psychological Processes" and the teacher is Juan Wilson. In this subjec the teacher explains the content that we read before in the texts that he makes us read and  it makes us do a small task related to the text, where we have to ask a new question about the topic that we read and a possible answer or hypothesis with its respective justification. The main contents and texts that we have seen have been was about the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, the basic psychological and social needs and the last content that we saw about the theory of attachment.
I prefer this subject than any other because evenI have not enjoyed studying it, it's one that sees contents closer to reality and that makes it easier to understand, study and apply to real life.



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